identify|identified|identifies|identifying in English


[i·den·ti·fy || aɪ'dentɪfaɪ]

recognize, show to be the same; sympathize, relate, associate oneself with a particular cause or idea

Use "identify|identified|identifies|identifying" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "identify|identified|identifies|identifying" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "identify|identified|identifies|identifying", or refer to the context using the word "identify|identified|identifies|identifying" in the English Dictionary.

1. Aristotle identifies Actuality with form, and hence substance, while identifying matter with potentiality

2. Biomarker: [ mahr´ker ] something that identifies or that is used to identify; see also determinant

3. A reading device for identifying a tag or an object adapted to be identified is disclosed.

4. For example, someone who identifies as a woman and was identified as female at birth is a Cisgender woman

5. To whom does the identifying finger point, and how does The Encyclopedia Americana describe the one identified?

6. By identifying the minimal pair or the minimal set of a language, a philologist can identify its phonemes.

7. Investing Conservatively is not about simply identifying large, well-known businesses, but also going through a process that identifies why a particular company qualifies as …

8. In this learning activity, ask participants to identify logical consequences for each of the behaviors they identified.

9. How the Comp command identifies mismatching information During the Comparison, Comp displays messages that identify the locations of unequal information between the files.

10. An Analogy identifies a similarity between like features of two different things by requiring students to identify a relationship between a pair of words

11. The Apprehension test is used to help identify shoulder instability and is considered one of the best tests for identifying this pathology

12. A person who identifies as Agender is one that identifies as neither male nor female

13. The -ane suffix identifies the molecule as an Alkane, while the prefix identifies carbon skeleton

14. While existing tools do a good job of identifying the applicationa ?s inputs (sources) and outputs (sinks), they do not automatically identify if sanitization was done.

15. The name uniquely identifies God.

16. • identifying alternative vendors

17. j identifies adj (JavaScript) tags

18. Practice characteristics influencing variation in Ascertainment were identified and a multivariate model developed to identify adjustment factors which could be applied to individual practices

19. l identifies adl (Iframe/Ilayer) tags

20. She always identifies with the underdog.

21. Compromising involves identifying a …

22. Practice: Identifying relative Adverbs

23. Ernest Rutherford identifies the atomic nucleus.

24. Identifying people bay occupation.

25. Owing to the difficulty of identifying dead time parameter of industrial process, a kind of new step response method is presented to identify dead time parameter of industrial process.